Over 60% of bankruptcies are due to medical bills and 75% of these people had health insurance. Health insurance is only the beginning. It provides benefits to help with your medical costs, but in many cases, not all your costs. Your medical coverage pays the doctors and hospitals, but who pays deductible, co-insurances and you when the unexpected happens? Maintaining your lifestyle involves having the finances you need. Consider these facts:
* 3 out of 10 people will be out of work 90 days or more
* 50% of people can't pay bills after 30 days without a check. The
average disability lasts 31.6 months
* 1 out of 8 Americans each year seek medical care due to injuries.
In the unfortunate event, you are in an accident you shouldn’t have to worry about unexpected financial setbacks. Things like lost wages plus your out-of-pocket expenses and the cost for help with transportation, meals, child care, or even housekeeping can all add up.
Personal Accident Insurance provide cash benefits to you regardless of any other insurance. By pairing it with your medical plan, you can extend your protection to help with those unexpected costs so you can focus on healing.
Even with the best primary insurance plan, when you’re hospitalized there will probably be medical expenses and out-of-pocket costs that aren’t covered. A hospital recovery insurance plan provides cash benefits to use as you see fit.
The benefits are paid regardless of any other insurance you may have. Whether you want a plan that provides hospitalization benefits only, or one that also covers outpatient rehabilitation, ambulance transportation and skilled nursing facility benefits, we can help.
Critical illness insurance is medical insurance that pays a lump-sum benefit upon the first diagnosis of a critical illness or condition. A critical illness insurance payout helps you avoid the financial strain a major illness can create so you can focus on your recovery. It helps give you the freedom to:
Get the treatment you want
Spend time with your family and friends
Keep your home and other assets
Disability insurance helps replace a major portion of your income when you are sick or injured and unable to work. Some people think of it as “paycheck protection.” Others view it as a way to protect their home since a mortgage payment is often a family’s most significant monthly expense.
Having disability insurance can provide a sense of security, knowing that if the unexpected should happen, you’ll still receive a monthly income. We offer both short and long term plans.